Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Is Your Faith Keeping You Broke? 5 Ways to Go From Cash-Stuck to Cash-Flow

You have been called to do something amazing. You can feel it deep down in your soul. God is calling you to do something great. Your faith in God is raw, authentic and completely naked.

So, why is it that...

  • After talking to a prospect through a free strategy session, they hardly ever sign up for your coaching services?
  • No matter how low you price your programs, when someone does sign up, they quickly request a refund?
  • When you do work with someone, you almost always throw in extras or bonuses because you just don't believe you're giving enough?
  • Your spouse, parent or well meaning friend constantly tell you to get a "real" job or hand you clippings of job opportunities from the local newspaper?
  • You have long conversations with prospects over the phone, sometimes 2 or 3 hours at a time, but feel really bad about asking for the money - even though you KNOW they need you to help them?

You're attracting the wrong type of prospect because your message is not clear.

You're not even sure how to translate your spiritual gifts into programs that people will invest in. You give away too much because you don't value the giftings that God has blessed you with.

But more importantly, you're afraid that having a successful business means that you're not being true to your faith. You've been told that only greedy, selfish, ungodly people are financially rich. So, you'd prefer to stay true to your faith than to give in to the "whims of the Enemy."

This is stinking thinking because...

Your Poverty Mindset Is Just Not Biblical

Having a long-suffering, poverty mindset where you think having lots of money makes you less faithful is not admirable, nor is it biblical.

Even Jesus had money to finance his big message.

In Luke 8:1-3, it states that women were part of Jesus' fellowship, including His 12 disciples. Of the women who followed Jesus, three are mentioned by name. Mary Magdalene is one. The others are...

  • Joanna was the wife of one of the King's stewards. This would mean that Joanna's husband was wealthy given his position in the royal courts. Joanna was healed by Jesus and travelled with him from town to town using her husband's money. This helped Jesus and His disciples not worry about what they'd eat, where they'd sleep or how they'd find clothes.
  • Not much is known about Susanna, but given that she is named in Luke 1:3, she was a woman of importance. In a patriarchal society, Susanna should've been home taking care of her children and her husband, but because she had the freedom to travel with Jesus, she was most likely a widow who was childless. Susanna most likely used the proceeds from the estate she inherited from her husband to finance Jesus' ministry.

Believe me, Jesus didn't need money. He was the Son of a Heavenly King. However, Jesus wanted to show through His earthly example how to serve others without worrying about how His needs would be be met.

That's why...

Having Naked Faith & Becoming Financially Success is Divinely Connected

A poverty mindset keeps you poor, struggling and broke. And when you're worried about money, this blocks you from having an enriching relationship with God. You no longer hear God's voice. You no longer trust His promises. Fear starts to grip your soul, your mind and your business.

When you're being led by fear, you attract brokeback prospects - those who want you to give everything away for next to nothing. You begin to devalue your expertise. As you watch your money disappear, you discount your services out of panic.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

God will give you the desires of your heart, but you have to first replace fear with faith. A raw, authentic, naked faith. With faith, you value your expertise and remember that you are wonderfully and fearfully made in God's image.

Having faith doesn't banish you to a life of poverty. You don't have to take advantage of people to become wealthy. Even if money isn't important to you, having it will help you serve more people in a faith-filled way.

When faith and money mix, you can turn a small fellowship into a big movement. The brilliance that God blessed you with shines. And when your brilliance shines and sparkles in the marketplace, you attract better clients, make better money and become a blessing to others.

5 Ways to Go From Cash-Stuck to Cash-Flow

To go from cash-stuck to cash-flow, you need to do the following five things:

  1. Get clear on your calling - God has tapped you on the shoulder for a particular purpose, but nothing is more frustrating than not knowing what that is. When you're unclear on what God has called you to do, you bounce around from idea to idea. Get clear by connecting with God and asking Him what you should do.
  2. Get clear about your divinely-inspired message - Your message, otherwise known as a tagline, is critical to attracting the right prospect to your business. Your message must be results oriented and clearly state, in simple language, who you work with, what results you provide and your role in this process.
  3. Get clear on who you're called to serve - Otherwise known as target market or niche, financially and spiritually rich messengers are very clear who's attracted to their message and can speak intelligibly to them.
  4. Get clear on which online marketing tools align with your giftings - Not all online marketing tools serve every messenger. Some are horrible in front of the camera. Others are really poor at writing. It's important to use the right online marketing tool that aligns with your gifting.
  5. Get clear on what results you'll deliver to those you're called to serve - It can be confusing trying to teach or speak about something that you have not experienced first hand. You need to develop a signature style, apply it to your own business, help others using it before you can authoritatively teach it to others. Once is fluke, twice you take notice, but three times is when you know you have a winning process.

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