Friday, July 13, 2012

What Do You Resist?

Swiss Psychiatrist Carl Yung said, "What you resist, persists."

I find this principal simple to understand, but a little more difficult t to integrate into my everyday way of being. The concept, as I understand it, is trying to tell you that anything that you don't want in your life will continue to occur as long as you are putting your attention on it. So, if you are in any type of challenge - financial problems, illness, relationship conflict, etc--- the more you dwell on it, talk about it or worry about it, the more it continues to be a part of your life. Even if you are saying to yourself, I don't want this, I want this to stop, I want this to change - you are still strongly engaging the negative, and therefore creating more of it with your thoughts.

There are probably hundreds of books, seminars and tapes out talking about this idea of keeping your focus positively on the outcome of what you do want or need, feeling as if you already have it. But, how do you do it? If you really are worried or feeling stress over an issue in your life, how can you learn to shift your emotions to good feeling ones?

In my constant quest for self-awareness, most of what I've learned says to start with changing your thoughts and then your emotions will change. I think this is true, but it is easier said than done. It is actual "work" to constantly shift your mind and your body when you just don't have those good feelings inside yourself - yet. The key word being -YET!

You probably already know this simple idea of how to live your life with acceptance and hopeful anticipation of what is coming to you. That doesn't mean you don't feel bad at times, but I think the message in Carl Yung's famous saying is to be o.k. with where you are now instead of fighting against it. Accept and be grateful for whatever and whoever is in your life at this moment and come to a feeling of peace about exactly where you are. Then, start to say with faith, everything I desire is on it's way to me.

How do you move ahead into the life we really want? Accept where you are instead of constantly focusing on where you think you should be. Be a little easier on yourself and take a sigh of relief. Feeling better about where you are is the first step to finding the motivation to take the steps that are necessary to move forward. Stop resisting; and what you don't want will soon stop persisting.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

How To Make Yourself More Approachable


The first and most important step is just to smile! I started maintaining a smile on my face a few years ago, and my coworkers noticed the difference. I started noticing that people were smiling back at me, and I was also being approached a lot more. I have this one lady at my job that tells me "keep smiling" whenever I see her. Smiling is contagious and will not only put you in a better mood, but also the people who come into contact with you.

Eye Contact

Establishing eye contact along with a smile is a great way to appear approachable. Whenever a person doesn't want attention, they naturally look away. Some people look away just because they are shy. If you fall into the shy category, make it a point to break out of that mindset. You won't be able to cure your shyness overnight, but you can take the necessary steps to improve your confidence.

Be Engaged

If you can get the smiling and eye contact part down, the next step is to be engaging. If your communication skills are sub par, don't worry about it. Not everyone is a smooth talker nor does everyone have the gift of gab. With practice and experience, you will eventually improve.

Dress the part

Know your environment and dress and act accordingly. The way you present yourself plays a big part in whether you're deemed approachable. There isn't a specific way to dress because it all depends on the type of environment you are in. For example, you wouldn't be dressed in a Taylor made suit if you're going to a beach party. The same way you wouldn't be dressed in casual clothes if you're attending a suit and tie event. This should be common sense but you would be surprised at how many people are oblivious to this. I can't tell you how many times I've attended an event and one or two people are either under dressed or over dressed.

People are less likely to approach someone who has a frown on their face or looks disinterested. We can all do things to make our lives a little easier. We all have something to offer, but if we're deemed unapproachable, then nobody will ever get to find that out. If you want to meet new people and/or improve your social skills then make it a point to make yourself approachable!

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING SITES.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Law of Attraction - How To Change Your Own Future

So much of the time people tend to measure their life by what they see in the physical realm. And it is hard to get past the "facts" that you can see. After all, seeing it is proof that it is, right? But when you remember that what you see is only evidence of what you have (past) thought, not what you are thinking and feeling now, or what you may be thinking and feeling in the future; This gives you the ability to change what you see in your future. It gives you a way to literally carve out a new life for yourself in just a few basic steps.

First you have to be really honest about where you are. If you deny that you have made mistakes or that your thinking has not been up to where you want it, then you have no power to change it. But when you are honest with yourself, then you can start from where you really are and make progress.

You can not go anywhere pretending to be somewhere else. Do you imagine yourself as having made much more progress than you actually have? Or do you belittle yourself and set yourself farther back than you really are? Either way, you will have a hard time moving forward until you honestly assess your progress.

From a true starting point you can progress as rapidly as you want. Like going up the stairs, you might skip a few steps, but mostly you take one step at a time. You can linger on one step a long time before going to the next step. Or you can bound up the steps with enthusiasm. It's up to you.

Next you need to understand that when you find (or see) a shortcoming in an area of your life, the shortcoming itself is not what causes you to feel lack, or pain or want. But when you let your focus and thoughts become enveloped in the lack, or the pain and want then Law of Attraction brings more of what you don't want to you. So, shift your focus off of the shortcomings and onto what is good in your life.

Remember what you see now is only evidence of the past, what is in your future can be completely different. So, bring your focus back to all the goodness, and abundance and richness that is yours. This gets you tapped into your source, from which you can build you new life. Then as you stay lined up. and continue to focus on what you really want, those things you want will be what you start to see in your life.

This news article is brought to you by GAMING NEWS - where latest news are our top priority.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Top Five Advantages Behind the Secret of the Law of Attraction

The secret of the law of attraction is, admittedly, just one option out of many when it comes to strategies for building wealth. Nonetheless, the secret remains one of the very best ways to attract success, and for many good reasons. Below are five of these reasons, if you need just a little more convincing:

1. The secret of the law of attraction is faster.
The great thing about using the secret to attract success is that, compared to a lot of other strategies, there are no frills whatsoever when it comes to executing it. And when there are no frills to the strategy, this means that you can achieve your biggest goals in the shortest amount of time. There is no more need to dilly-dally from one step to the next; you simply have to gun for your targets and nothing more. In a world as busy and fast-paced as ours, time is truly of the essence, and when you want to get something as important as achieving success done right, then it also has to be done swiftly.

2. The secret of the law of attraction applies to everyone.
It doesn't matter if you're already rich or as poor as a church mouse. It doesn't matter if you've lived all your life in the Western world or have been to at least five continents. It doesn't even matter if you're a kid or an adult! In order to attract success, the best way to do so regardless of what your background is to use the secret. The secret does not discriminate in any way, shape, or form. As long as you have the gumption to chase your dreams, then it doesn't matter if you're a painter in Timbuktu or a businessman on Wall Street. The secret is a truly universal strategy, and you shouldn't feel out of place using it no matter who you are.

3. The secret of the law of attraction has stood the test of time.
A lot of newfangled ways to attract success has popped up every now and then, and while some of them may be seen to be effective, what are the odds that this efficacy is something that can apply to people in the future? The secret, on the other hand, has truly stood the test of time; it has been used by people from over hundreds of years ago, and will very likely continue to be used well into the future. The secret, after all, is so simple that it does not require any sort of temporal constraints. It simply relies on very universal principles that will not fade or falter anytime in the future, whether near or far.

4. The secret of the law of attraction costs nothing.
One of the very best things about the secret is that it insists on allowing you to attract success without paying a single cent. Success, after all, is not some commodity to be bought, but a state of mind that simply needs to be adopted. And this should cost nothing. Your mind is yours to use and benefit from, and to have to pay someone else to help you succeed is absolute hogwash. Don't be like all the other fools who shell out hundreds, thousands, even millions of dollars to get the kind of expertise you can develop within yourself all on your lonesome. Save yourself all that cash and stick to the secret.

5. The secret of the law of attraction can be done in groups.
Unlike a lot of other strategies that focus on how a single individual can attract success efficiently, the secret does not have to be a solo effort at all. That's right-if you want to attract success as a group, like if you want to allow your entire company to surge forward, or if you want your entire family to collectively succeed in all their goals, then the secret can definitely help you and your partners out in that department. The secret understands that, sometimes, no man is truly an island, and that in some situations, success can only really be had if everyone joins hands and works together towards achieving it.

The secret of the law of attraction is, at the end of the day, truly one of the best strategies for helping people attract success efficiently and effectively. Unlike a lot of other methods, the secret really caters to every person and every occasion. If you have to choose just one method for your endeavors, this one has to be your top choice.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Belief As a Function of Experience

When investigating the Law of Attraction, everyone will advise you over and over that you have to have faith and believe that it works in order for it to work. Without said belief, it's very unlikely you'll get any positive results for your efforts. In fact, one of the main cornerstones of the Law of Attraction is, "If you can conceive it and believe it, then you can receive it".

This one aspect of the Law of Attraction stops more people in their tracks than any other aspect. New practitioners get into a negative feedback loop of not seeing the results they want. This makes it more difficult to believe it works. This in turn makes it even more likely that they'll have positive results. This downward spiral is what will cause most people to come to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction is a bunch of bull and doesn't work.

This becomes an even bigger issue if the first goals are significant to the practitioner. The bigger they are, the harder it is to develop the necessary belief to allow the Law of Attraction to pull it to the practitioner. This is akin to someone who's never picked up a baseball bat going out to the plate and hitting a grand slam home run. Is it possible, sure. Is it probable? Not really.

What is usually a much better option is to start out small. Use situations that would likely work out in your favor. That way, if it does work in your favor, you can use that situation to anchor the success. Granted, you could use the argument that it would have worked without using the Law of Attraction, but that's not the point. The point is to get your subconscious mind used to both the process of making the request and to having a successful outcome. Your subconscious mind can't tell the difference between reality and something you strongly imagined. By going through the steps to make a valid request, irrespective of how serious or important the request is, you're giving your mind both an example and a positive feeling of how a request is made and how you feel when it comes to pass.

Once you get enough experience with having these insignificant requests coming out the way you want, then it's time to apply the process to slightly more important requests. Once you have several successes under your belt at this level, then you take the next progressive step upwards. It's a matter of taking baby steps before you start walking, walking before running. You wouldn't expect a baby to go from just being able to turn over to being able to run, so why should we expect to be able to go from never having consciously using the Law of Attraction to being able to get huge positive results. In almost every other area of life, it's an impractical expectation, so why have it for this?

If you can understand this basic concept, then you're most likely to get good results from your experiments with using the Law of Attraction in your life.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Which Vibrations Do You Have Access To?

The thoughts you have and the experiences you have are indicative of the vibrations to which you have access. As you give your attention to a specific subject or thought, you begin to harmonize with that subject or thought and thus gain access to a greater amount of vibrations relating to that subject or thought. The same goes for subjects or thoughts you cease to give your attention to as well. As you withdraw your attention from any particular subject or thought, you are given less and less access to those particular vibrations and they therefore play a less important role in your thoughts, feelings, and daily experiences.

For example, the world around you is only the world around you due to the attention you have given to those particular vibrations up to this point in time. The extent of your reach into the infinite vibrations that exist is limited by the amount of attention you have given to the various vibrations in existence. For example, it may seem that your world only extends as far as the reach of humankind on Earth. It may also seem that you have a limited reach into the Universe beyond Earth due to the limited attention you have given to such subjects. But, if you were an astronomer, your reach into the depths of the Universe and the vibrations that make up the Universe would be far greater. As an astronomer, you would commonly see pictures of the Universe beyond Earth and you would likely have access to a much wider range of thoughts concerning the Universe as a whole and the worlds that exist beyond the scope of planet Earth.

The same would go for someone who has given a great amount of attention to specific subjects here on Earth though. For example, someone who has given a great deal of thought to the intricacies and strategies inherent in the game of chess knows far more about the game than someone who has not given a great deal of their attention to the subject.

For, as you give your attention to any subject, you gain more access to the infinite range of vibrations that are associated with it. The same goes for memories too. The memories you hold onto in your mind represent the extent of your reach into your past. Subjects you may have come across in the past, but have failed to continue to give your attention to, have likely faded into the abyss of lost memories, because your personal vibration has changed enough that you no longer have access to those particular vibrations.

Memories you have held onto with great fervor on the other hand likely still play an important role in your life. For, as you give any vibration your attention, such as a memory, you activate that vibration within yourself and you alter your point of attraction. Thus, the memories you hold onto from the past are constantly attracting thoughts and experiences unto them. By giving your attention to the past, you have consistently recreated the past in your life and that is the source of the similarities you see in your life today when you compare it to days of the past.

This information can be taken advantage of if you are interested in applying the law of attraction to your life. By understanding the fact that you only have access to certain vibrations in any given moment due to your focus, you can now begin to understand how you attract various subjects into your life.

You can also use this information to hone in on specific subjects you wish to attract. Rather than giving your attention to various subjects you come across throughout each day, you can now selectively choose to focus on specific vibrations and thus gain greater access to more vibrations that relate to those particular subjects.

For example, when you attempt to focus on what you want, you are likely distracted by the endless number of vibrations that surround you in your everyday life. This process only occurs, because you have given a considerable amount of your attention to the vibrations that surround you.

To stop the attraction of those particular vibrations though, all you have to do is start focusing on the way you want to feel. For, as you focus on the way you want to feel, you will lose access to the vibrations that surround you and you will only have access to the vibrations of your choosing, the vibrations that make you feel the way you want to feel. Then, you will feel the way you want to feel and you will attract thoughts and experiences that match that particular vibration.